Monday, September 16, 2019

Naked No More

This weekend, I finished the clothing for Rory's bunny....and she is now dressed and not lounging about in lingerie.....

Little Cotton Rabbits Bunny in a cardigan and dress
The Bunny Dressed
The clothes for the bunny are not hard to make but are very time consuming.  Originally, I had thought that I would make the bunny a wardrobe.  Time went quickly and I am content with one outfit.

Rory will be three this fall.   That meant I had to be really careful about buttons (can't use them) and snaps (really shouldn't use them).   As I was knitting away on the clothing I thought about what to do.

Sewing the clothes on to the body.....not a good option.  Risk a snap?  Her little fingers might not be able to work a snap yet.  My final solution was not to put a button on the cardigan and to crochet ties so that the dress can be closed with a small bow.

Will I make more clothes?  Yes...and eventually another creature to wear them.

Want to spend an afternoon looking at really cute projects?  Look at the Little Cotton Rabbits on Pinterest....the folks who have designed the clothing have created dresses that make the fingers itch to make matter how much time it takes!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Knitting, Knitting, Knitting

This summer has been a hugely productive and sometimes very frustrating knitting fiesta.

Basil the Boogie Woogie Brontosaurus
A little guy needed a dinosaur.   I auditioned two was too fussy...the other was the
pattern from hell.  I learned a lot trying to make the hellish pattern work.  I also learned it is okay to through a project in the trash.  Rebecca Danger saved me......Basil the Brontosaurus is now done.

One the the techniques I have wanted to learn for a long time is doing intarsia in the round.  One of the Boost Your Knitting tutorials was truly wonderful.  I used it, not to make the socks which will (later) be for me, but to make a superman hat for my friend Corey that is much more in keeping with the vision I had when I made his hat last year.

Because I like to plan, I used Knitbird to make the superman symbol graph that would work the best look for this project. Next, I did the math and laid out, using Photoshop, what I wanted the had to look like. This was great for trying to position the symbol and for deciding if I wanted a pop of red. This is where I started.....
It was great as I could toggle the red line on and off and decide on whether is was a good idea....and if it wide should the line be?   The sketch shows what I decided to do.

The yarn I choose was a Cascade fingering weight wool.  While the yarn could split a bit, it knits up beautifully.    I am really happy with the finished product.

My hemming could use a bit of work, but I am generally happy with the results:

The Front

Superman 2019 hat back view....
The back with the intarsia in the round area highlighted.
Will I try intarsia in the round again.  Yes....because it lets me do things I want to do....and I want to get better at it.

More critters are on the needles....I will say that after a few more, I will take a loooooooooooooooong break from doing animals.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Making Critters

One of my pieces of very good fortune is having a lot of small children to supply with knitted things.   Stuffed animals are always good.   This is also the time for fanciful hats as it is easier to put the hats on a person too young to object.   This summer, the focus is on critters.

For a long time, I have been looking at Little Cotton Rabbits patterns.  A quick search on Pinterest (Hahahahahaha.....there is no such thing as a quick search on Pinterest.   May I say that it is like going down a rabbit hole in which time has no meaning?) will show many versions of the animals and the clothing.   Knitters do such marvelous work and I stand in awe of the outfits designed and knit for LCR animals.

For one of my favorite little girls, I decided to do Girl Bunny in a Dotted Dress.   The pattern is very, very good.  Not only are the explanations extremely clear, but the explanations are accompanied by very good pictures.  As I worked this bunny, I learned a lot!
Head shaped and ready for features.

Exactly how the head is stuffed and shaped taught me a lot about how to do this to give the face character.  Though I have done many stuffed animals in the past few years, the approach used for the bunny head was a little different, and much better, than the way I have done this before.    

My favorite improvement was that the spots to attach the ears are marked with reverse stockinette stitches.

The head is stuffed with small pieces of poly fill.  Exactly how to give the bunny really chubby cheeks is explained.   I did a bit of that but did not want the bunny to have chipmunk cheeks.   Stuffing this way also allows easy shaping of the head to give a good nose area instead of just an egg-shape for the head.   This in turn makes adding the facial features easier.

Julie William's instructions on how to embroider the facial features were MUCH easier than what I had been doing.   Her anchored french knot
The bunny head completed.
instructions are very clear and allowed me to do a much better job on the eyes than I would have otherwise.

When I saw that the ears were done in seed stitch, I was just not sure how well that would work out.   Always open to new ways of doing things, I cast on.   The shaping was interesting.   The ears were a quick knit.   Once the ears were on, I did the facial features.

One of the things I really want to improve is my embroidery skills for the animal faces.  This was not a perfect job, but I am pretty pleased with the result.  I am glad I could give the bunny a little smile......

 The body of the bunny is an easy knit....requiring minimal attention.  The first body was fine but I wanted to do better.   The second body came along nicely.   Next time, will make the "body" color portion longer as I prefer that look.  Pinterest is very educational on these matters.

A stuffed bunny leg.
The legs were a challenge.  The first set did not please me.   The second set was definitely better.   As I wanted black shoes, I had to make sure that I could actually see what I was knitting.  Ever heard the phrase "A gift of knitting shows you like someone.   A gift of knitting that is black shows you love someone." ?    It is true.   While I am not entirely (or much at all) pleased with my french knots that are shoe buttons, I decided to press on.

One of the instructions for stuffing the leg was to leave the top part empty if the bunny was meant to sit down.   I should have left a little more empty but am generally pleased with the way the body looks completed. 

I did have some reservations about adding the tail as I thought from a
The back of the bunny.
quick glance at the pattern, that the tail was a pom pom.    While I try to make pom poms indestructible, that is not always achievable.  Last fall I made a Halloween hat for Owen that was grey with black and white skulls and an orange pom pom on top.   He insisted on wearing it to bed.    In the morning when my sister when to get him up, the bed was covered orange fuzz.  During the night his clever little fingers totally picked apart the hat. top of the hat just has a sad orange loop.  To my great delight, the tail was actually knit and I could sew it down VERY securely.

The next step of this project was to make bunny outfits.  The pattern instructions suggested using cotton yarn as it does not curl up as other fibers tend to.   As I did not have any  fingering weight cotton, I thought sock yarn would be good enough.  It's not.  Fortunately, Knitpicks was having a sale on their fingering weight cotton yarn, Comfy. I looked over the available colors and picked a few that would work well with the sweater, the dress, and the pinafore patterns that I was thinking about using.

The front view of the bunny.

As the first dress the bunny will have made is best done with intarsia, I decided that I would do a project with some easy intarsia to get a little practice.   Barbara Prime is another toy designer whose patterns I really like to knit.    Her Scrap Chaps pattern features several critters.

The cat was the option I chose as I wanted to make a cat in the same tones as a cat, Mr. Sandwiches, that the expected baby's family lost last year.   The yarn was already in the house so there was no stopping me.

Like Julie Williams, Barbara Prime writes a good pattern.   Though I have been knitting long enough to be able to figure things out if the instructions are not clear, I don't want to do that most of the time.   The cat, I think, will be a quick knit.

The body of the cat is the first piece knit.    Kitty's belly is a patch of off white.   This is intarsia at its very simplest.  As is the case with any intarsia project, there are many unruly threads that must be managed.    I did spend some time detangling every couple rows to lower the frustration level that the tangles can cause.

Whenever I look at the back of my knitting, I think of Mrs. Gaspar, my 4-H sewing leader.  She
The front.
taught us to look at the inside of a garment to determine how someone had taken care or not in its construction as well as if the garment was sewn correctly.   The back of the work should look as tidy as the front.   Mrs. Gaspar taught me many other things.....not the least of which was how to be a more generous soul and what makes an excellent teacher....but this is the point that most remains in my mind.   In this spirit, I will reveal the back and the front of the body partially knit.

As this is a stuffed animal, I can get away with a bit more than I could of the project was a hat or a sweater.   As I have been taught better, I chose to do the best job I could do.  My early attempts at
The back.
intarsia were not nearly this neat.   I think Mrs. Gaspar would be proud.

Instead of waiting until all the pieces are done to stuff the cat, I am following instructions and stuffing the pieces as I go. Doing this I have the joy of admiring the shaping that Barbara Prime
The body knit but not yet stuffed.
figured out for this body.  I have stuffed this piece keeping in mind what I learned from Julie Williams while doing the bunny.   I love the way the cream colored patch (I have it stuffed now.) makes a great cat belly.  This makes me eager to apply what I learned doing the other body parts.

I am excited about this project and am really enjoying doing it.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Progess - At Last!!!!!

For the last few months, the knitting slump had me in its grip.  While I knit, it was not what I felt like working on at all.   It was hard, with the past winter, to be enthused about anything.

A year or so ago, I started a throw to commemorate Lisa and Nick's marriage.   It languished in the active basket for several months.   Every few weeks, I would pick it up and put on a few rows.   Talk about slow growth!   Then, then the real winter hit.   Ice and snow kept me home and indoors a lot.
View of a winter day from the fourth floor lounge of Hanson Hall.
A chilly view from the department lounge.
The throw seemed like a great project...knitting and keeping myself warm at the same time!  Netflix, Amazon Prime, the throw, and I spent a lot of time together for a month or so.  Using...well a measure of length, I kept draping the throw over me to see if I had gotten to a good length.   Lisa is tall so I wanted to make sure the throw was a good length for her too.  I kept knitting....and knitting....and knitting.  Finally about a week and a half ago, I declared the throw done.

Now, after a trip through the washer and dryer, the throw is resting in my cedar chest waiting for its trip to its new home.

When I started this project, bought a good supply of Willow Burrow Chunky.   As I wanted this to be a "no think" project I decided to use the prayer shawl pattern I learned awhile ago.   Doing each row as K3, *P3,K3 I could do this for as long as I wanted or needed to and not
Nick and Lisa's throw draped over the couch.
The completed throw.
having to worry about breaking up the pattern.   I find this really useful if I have not bought enough yarn or want to...unexpectedly...make the project shorter or longer.

Of course, while this was being knit, I was working on other projects.   Socks are one of the most frequent projects that I make as gifts.  There are several people in my life that get a new pair of socks every year.  

My friend Rob is one of those people.  He wears the socks and wears them out.   I am happy to keep him supplied.   Rob cannot wear wool without itching.  Fortunately, I can still find some good work-arounds.

My love of vintage Paton's Canadiana is as great as is my regret that it is very hard to get.  The new version of Canadiana is good, but just not as good as the first version.  I hoard the scraps.   This year,
Rob's striped socks.
Rob's vintage Canadiana socks.
for Rob, I put together the leftovers from two projects to make striped socks.   These are bright and cheerful and I hope very much that he will like the brighter colors.

This picture was taken in low light in my dining room and simply does not do justice to flash of bright color!   The pooling the variegated yarn created made me really happy.  I love the "strips" of the red and orange through the green and yellow.   I could not have done this as nicely if I had planned it.

There are socks, toys, hats, and some baby things waiting for my attention.   Summer is a great time for smaller projects....and portable projects.   I may even knit outside this summer.....before it gets really hot. The best part is that I feel my knitting joy creeping back.  It doesn't matter where I knit (okay, so I have knit in church...) but that I do.

Friday, May 17, 2019


I have journeyed into the depths of the stash.   For a long time, I have been thinking about what I want to use these days...and what I likely never will.  With this in mind, I have sorted out yarn to go to new homes.  

The yarn is going several places - to church groups and friends.   Someone will have the joy of yarn for a new project.  I have have the joy of the freed space.

While I was going through the stash, I found yarn for a project I am planning.   Little Cotton Rabbits is a great place for inspiration.    One of the little girls in my life is going to get a bunny with a wardrobe.   I am excited about using yarn that I have to make up both the rabbit and her clothes.   This, will be a joy.  It may also lift me out of my knitting slump!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Pretty Quiet on the Knitting Front

This winter has been a bit rough.  Spring seems as though it is finally here.   I have renewed interest in doing.

Yesterday, I passed off two pairs of socks which will be used as gifts for two of my favorite young men.   The boys aged out of the child category for  Christmas and now are included in the name draw.   They miss their yearly socks and their very kind grandmother had me make birthday presents.

An auction to benefit the American Cancer Society came out of nowhere.   I went into the stash and
The Morning Walk Hat knit with two skeins of sock yarn on very small needles.
found some high end sock yarn to make a pattern I had admired.  

The Morning Walk Hat knits up well and can be worn as a beanie or a slouch.  As I am a loose knitter, I used 1's and 2's.  The yarn was not as cooperative as I would have liked but the hat came out well, and even better, did well at the auction.  Would I knit this again.  Yes. Yes, I would.

While I am still working on a throw and on a pair of socks (or two or three...or four), I am getting ready to knit a lamb for a fairly new baby.  It is time to figure out and queue up the holiday knitting.

I like to do the holiday knitting early as I had feeling rushed during the is busy enough without adding knitting stress.   Starting earlier also gives me time to look through the yarn I already have....which is a very good thing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

An Adventure Yarn

When I am in a knitting slump, one of the things I do is sort through the stash.   Sometimes, I am
Quiviut scarf folded in half to make the picture easier to take.
looking for that spark to get me going again; sometimes I look to see if any of the yarn has lost its luster enough to go to a new home.

Earlier this month, the stash spit out yarn with history.   In the early 90's, my friend Bernie went on a backpacking trip through Alaska.   As she walked, she picked quiviut fluff off bushes.   When she got back home, she took the fluff to a spinner and had yarn spun from the quiviut.   The spinner threw in another fiber to make the quiviut less warm.

Bernie sent the yarn to me so that I could make a vest...a one of a kind vest...for her husband.  The vest was made and loved.   The vest left with the husband.   Every once in awhile, the leftover yarn would surface...and I would think about what I could do with it so that Bernie could have something from her Alaska trek.

A few weeks ago, the yarn surfaced again.   I looked at it carefully, made a mental note of the likely yardage, and began a scarf adapted from a shawl pattern on Knitpicks.  The ends have a funky curly
another view of the scarf
to them that makes the scarf a little more interesting than endless garter stitch.   My decision about the length was based on having enough left over to finish the second end.   I knit.  I knit.  And I knit.

Last week, I finished the scarf and gave it a nice bath in Soak Wash for Handknits.   After an overnight rest on the sweater dryer, the scarf was ready to go.

Bernie got it yesterday as a surprise.   She said she had had a tough day and was really happy to receive it.   Now, Bernie has a memento from the Alaska trip, and I am a bit closer to the center of the stash.

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Hat that Would Not be Knit

A year or so I spotted The Runner's Hat in the Knitpicks catalog.    This is a slip stitch pattern and makes a very interesting looking hat.    I bought it, put it away, and forgot about it.

Three or four weeks ago, I went into the stash and found the yarn and the pattern.  It was, I decided, time.

I cast on and got going.    The pattern is a fairly easy knit and the slip stitch pattern is interesting.   Why....why.....why.....did I have to rip it out three times.   On the third frog, the hat became one of those things that had lost it's appeal and a burden to work.   Should I throw it back in the stash for a better time?  No.

The Textile Center in Minneapolis is having a garage sale this spring.   Instead of keeping a project which has lost its luster for me, I will send it out into the world to find someone who will give the project the love it deserves.  

Having thought about the size of the stash, the number of knitting bags, and various knitting tools around the apartment....other times will join the trek out the door to new and happier homes.

While it can be hard for me to let go of is time.   I think about the times I have been able to pick up something I wanted and needed at a good price, I smile and cheerfully send things down the road.

The best part of the Textile Center's garage sale is knowing that the proceeds go to a good cause.

Someone else will knit that hat and love it.

Will I try that pattern again?  Possibly...possibly not.  I still have an electronic copy of the pattern...and a little (cough, cough) more yarn.