Monday, January 28, 2019

The Hat that Would Not be Knit

A year or so I spotted The Runner's Hat in the Knitpicks catalog.    This is a slip stitch pattern and makes a very interesting looking hat.    I bought it, put it away, and forgot about it.

Three or four weeks ago, I went into the stash and found the yarn and the pattern.  It was, I decided, time.

I cast on and got going.    The pattern is a fairly easy knit and the slip stitch pattern is interesting.   Why....why.....why.....did I have to rip it out three times.   On the third frog, the hat became one of those things that had lost it's appeal and a burden to work.   Should I throw it back in the stash for a better time?  No.

The Textile Center in Minneapolis is having a garage sale this spring.   Instead of keeping a project which has lost its luster for me, I will send it out into the world to find someone who will give the project the love it deserves.  

Having thought about the size of the stash, the number of knitting bags, and various knitting tools around the apartment....other times will join the trek out the door to new and happier homes.

While it can be hard for me to let go of is time.   I think about the times I have been able to pick up something I wanted and needed at a good price, I smile and cheerfully send things down the road.

The best part of the Textile Center's garage sale is knowing that the proceeds go to a good cause.

Someone else will knit that hat and love it.

Will I try that pattern again?  Possibly...possibly not.  I still have an electronic copy of the pattern...and a little (cough, cough) more yarn.