Friday, December 28, 2018

2018 is winding up......

This year, I have done a lot of knitting.   Most of the projects have been gifts for others. 

What do I give?   Mostly socks as the people I give them to like them very much and use them.  This year I also did a lot of toys.

One of the fun things I have done is to use leftover sock yarn to make small Christmas ornaments.
The mitten is one of two that I did - the other was a small sock - and put away to give away later.

This small mitten was knit from leftover sparkley sock yarn.  Seemed like a good use for something I did not want to waste!
The small things can be really fun to knit....and teach one a lot about patience.   There were things about this project that were surprisingly difficult.  I dropped more stitches on this one mitten than I have in some sweaters I have made.

Like the people who design toys, the people who design these ornaments are genius at shaping.    This year I hope to make more of these.  Either I will use them when I wrap a gift or give them to someone who is just starting to collect ornaments for their own tree as I don't put up a tree anymore.

Mallorie loved her horse hat this year and really liked the new version of the hat she received a couple years ago.    I did not like the new version as I was not happy with the crown shaping.   I am not a shaping genius and have decided to take the time to learn more so that the 2019 version for Mallorie makes me happy too.

While I have gifts for others in queue, I am going to take some time to do some selfish knitting.  Things just for me!