Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This has been a cold, cold winter

The cold this winter has been brutal...at least we have not (yet) had a lot of snow.    My knitting has been suffering has I have been huddled under blankets and afghans reading trash novels.

I am having to confront, again, the amount of yarn I actually own.   This is not pretty.  I try not to think about it all at once as it makes my mind go blank.  Not blank in a happy creative canvas way.   Just blank.  Blank in an absolute panic if I had to have it all in one place way.   We will not discuss the secondary panic about the books and paper patterns.   One can only deal with so much panic at once. 

The original purpose of this blog was to document knitting down the stash.   Okay, so that has not happened in the writing or the knitting.  We begin again.

A skein of pink sock yarn had mocked me for quite awhile.   It wasn't really enough to make a pair of socks for me and I was not sure who else I should make socks for out of the pink.  I had several good choices but just could not pick one.   My friend Barb asked for a sweater for a very tiny baby.  Solution!  Wee Liesel!

Wee Liesel
This pattern is one that I have been eying for a long time.   I thought it was adorable.   Here was a chance to test drive it in the smallest size!   The pink sock yarn was a great choice.  Even the buttons came from stash....deep inside the button cannister.

The knitting had a few challenges which frankly is good for me.   I will make this again for another little girl.   I am very happy with it.   I am even happier that all of the elements came out of the center of the stash.