Friday, May 17, 2019


I have journeyed into the depths of the stash.   For a long time, I have been thinking about what I want to use these days...and what I likely never will.  With this in mind, I have sorted out yarn to go to new homes.  

The yarn is going several places - to church groups and friends.   Someone will have the joy of yarn for a new project.  I have have the joy of the freed space.

While I was going through the stash, I found yarn for a project I am planning.   Little Cotton Rabbits is a great place for inspiration.    One of the little girls in my life is going to get a bunny with a wardrobe.   I am excited about using yarn that I have to make up both the rabbit and her clothes.   This, will be a joy.  It may also lift me out of my knitting slump!