Friday, September 16, 2016

Knitting through the Madness

The past month has been crazy.   Fortunately, I had my knitting.   Knitting, even troublesome knitting, is calming.

I just finished leg warmers for Piper.  Sharon, a.k.a. Grandma, knew exactly what Piper needed.  She and I conferred on the patterns and choose the best one.   The color had to be black for Piper's skating costume.  The result looks narrow but it is a one by one rib.  VEEEEEEEEEERY stretchy.

Leg Warmers from a Blue Sky Alpaca pattern.
Piper's Legwarmers
Ravelry makes choosing projects so much simpler than that process used to be.  Seeing a lot of patterns quickly gives a good idea of what can and can't be done easily.   This gives me a better shot at knowing the project will work for the person the project is for....

Sometimes, I just take an idea and run with it.  I think I have previously talked about my love of seed stitch.  As this is not the most exciting stitch in the world to do a lot of, even I find this puzzling.   Some skeins of True Blue burrow bulky wanted to be knit into seed stitch.  Really.  They told me.   That is how Owen's baby blanket came to be.  It is nice and squishy..and launders well.

The Garden Bunny

The Garden Bunny has overalls that match the blanket.   This bunny was a weird pattern in many ways.   While I learned a lot, I am not sure I would do this again.  The head is oddly small.   I accidentally sewed the head on as a foot.  Cursing ensued.   A lot of cursing.

The bunny is cute.  Not what I had hoped.....but cute.   The picture has the second attempt at a face.  The first go made the bunny look a bit psycho.  That had to change.  

More knitting for Owen is in the works.  Hope life calms down.

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